
CV Show Stand 4H01 New Features & Earned Recognition

CV SHOW 2018

Visit TruTac’s stand 4H01 to see our newest product features:

EARNED RECOGNITION:  NEW ‘fully interactive’ ER report with drill-down and intuitive graphical data. Operators can view their own performance against Earned Recognition key performance indicators.

TRULINKS: NEW high level API management service for smooth data integration between TruTac’s products and any other system where data share provides multiple management benefits.

DRIVER CALENDAR IMPORT: NEW data import function for CSV (Comma Separated Values) files from other systems direct into the driver calendar for complete WTD management.

DIVISIONS: NEW division management feature to simplify larger fleet management and reporting. Fast and accurate regional reporting with sub-levels for great KPI monitoring and control.

GDPR: Improved password protection and change enforcement procedures. Including extra data encryption protection for GDPR full compliance.

At 10.00am on Thurs, join us on stand for a 2-hour drop-in session on Earned Recognition, with Silk Thread –  the award-winning operator licence management system provider.

Visit stand 4H01 to find out more!

For any further info please contact the TruTac Team on 024 7669 0000 or email